
Showing posts from March, 2022


 Today school was good. I finally took the test that my teacher has been talking about for the longest. I feel like I actually did really good for my first official time. I had a great time at practice today. I honestly can’t wait til spring break, I need it so bad. 


 Today was a good day. I didn’t really do anything today. I took a test in my math class and I know I failed it. i didn’t understand anything that was on that test and it made me so mad. We also did some other things that will help us out on the test that I have to take tomorrow in my last period class. 


  This is what we did today. We did a simulation speed dating with prompts. 


 Today class was good. We had to take a test and the test was kind of easy. I made a decent grade on the test. I still wish I did better but I’m cool with what I got. It easy overall though and I liked it. 




 Today class was good. We went over a essay we are going to write. It’s dealing with whether we think individuality is more important than nationality. I think it’s really boring to be honest and I don’t really want to. That’s about the only thing I don’t like. Other than that I had a good day. 


 Today was a good day. It was a very easy day. We didn’t really do anything in class either but take a couple of notes. It was very slow and all but it was still a good day. That’s why today was a good day. 


I liked their presentation the best (Don't Say Gay) because it was around a taboo topic. It also made a lot of conversation. I think people were getting a little bit too heated with it though. I wasn't for the bill, but I did see why people would want it passed. What would've been better if we could actually talk to each other like actual human beings. 


 Today was good. We went over our presentation that we did yesterday. We still have a couple of groups that have to present. I was able to get more information about what is going on in this world. I really do appreciate learning about what is happening around my community. 


 Today was a good day. We didn’t really do anything today in class today. We had to finish up the project that we started on yesterday to turn it in. The teacher helped us out which really made it easy. Thanks to the time he gave I was able to finish it today. I also had an awesome football practice today which made everything great when I got home. 


 Today class was good. We got in groups to do some group activity’s. The teacher assigned an assignment to a group and we have to come together to get it done. The assignment we got was pretty easy. I liked today because it was quick too. 


 I need to work on figuring out rhetorical devices. I have to try to read long paragraphs faster. I need to take notes on the side for me to talk about in the essay. Make better introduction sentences. Lastly, I need to work on putting everything on the paper. 


 Todays class was good day today. In class we did 14 questions about the book we read yesterday. The questions took all class period to answer. They were really easy though and everybody was intrigued. That’s why class was so good. 


 Today class was good. We read the first chapter about a sick female that is getting help from a man named John. The book leaves you edge wondering what’s going to happen next. After we read the book we managed to watch the short film of the book. The short was decent I just wish it had better production quality.