
Showing posts from January, 2022


 Today class was good. We didn’t really didn’t do anything today. The teacher gave us some questions to answer and then we had all class period to answer them. It was a bunch of scuffles outside. Everything was good today and it was a good day.


This is what we worked on today.


 Today class was good. We read another long apology letter a mom made to a son. We went through it and analyzed many things that we found were rhetorical devices. Many people use a lot of rhetorical devices when writing papers and or speeches. That is why class was good. 


 Today class was good. Even though the teacher was not here I was able to still do good things. I managed to get some missing work done. I was just chilling after I got done. That is why class was good today.


 Today’s class was really good. We really didn’t do anything to major today. We went over a bell ringer that didn’t take long to finish. After the bell ringer we had to write a two paragraph paper telling our fellow students not to do drugs. That’s why class today was not that bad.  


 Todays class was really good. We analyzed a song about Tupac talking about temptation. I never knew about the deep things that Tupac was saying in his song. We also have an assignment that is due later on but I really don’t want to do it. I’m going to do it regardless but I just don’t want to. Class was good all in all.


 Today class period was good. We went over two more rhetorical devices. We had to make some examples of how the devices were the devices. I learned something today and I never learn anything. That is why today was a good day.


 Today class was good. We are still going over the perfect ways to write a rhetorical essay. The teacher is giving us good information to write for the essay. We had to get in groups of three to write a paragraph including three rhetorical devices. It was easy because we used the notes the teacher gave us.


 Today class was good. We went over two more rhetorical devices. Class was very informative. I’m glad it went by so fast because I was bored. It was very fun and funny. I was very intrigued on todays lesson. 


 Today class was okay. We went over the rhetorical devices to write on an essay. We watched the I have a dream job speech and broke it down. Martin Luther King used a lot of metaphors in his speech. This helped me learn how to break down a big passage.


 Today class was okay. We went over 5 of the rhetorical devices. It was a very intriguing and I was very in tuned. We had to write definitions and examples on the 5 words. That’s why today’s class was good.