
Showing posts from September, 2021


 Today was an okay day. Mr. Reese used this little random generator thing on the computer to change our seats. I like using that because it’s not bias nor is it favoritism. For the work portion we was able to work in a group of four. We had to brainstorm ideas on a topic that he gave us. It was fun talking to people you don’t really talk to on an everyday basis. We are going to continue on the assignment tomorrow and turn it in.


 Today we went over the homework from yesterday. It was surprisingly easy. It was the first time we was able to do a homework assignment. Everybody did the homework too. It was very easy. I’m gone have to redo the assignment because I did horrible on it.


 Today was decent. All we had to do was read a poem. The poem was about somebody losing there mind. They compared losing their mind to being dead. We watched the video that was talking about the poem. She sounds like she was still recovering. I liked the way she put her heart into the poem. It was ver intriguing.


 Today was very calm. All we did was an argumentative essay. This was the first time I understood the assignment. The essay took 40 minutes to do. I didn’t gather any information because my mind was blank so I just went off of my head. I think we call that writers block, when you don’t know what to write. To be honest I think I messed up and did horribly on the counter argument. Class was all around a good day.


 Today we read two poems. The poems was dealing with being somebody and love. Mostly everybody was untuned and answering questions. Breaking down the poems was really easy and quick. Time wasn’t going by slowly, everything was great today. The poems was entertaining and exciting. 


 Today was really fun I’m not going to lie. We had read a poem that was very intriguing to read. While reading that poem, we had to break down key details. The story was basically talking about a boy that died from getting his hand chopped off. I didn’t know that’s what it meant until our teacher taught us how to break it down. Everything was great for a Monday.


 Today was a real chill day. Once you finished the essay part of the benchmark we was basically done. I liked this day a lot. The essay part was kind of easy, even though I think I failed it. Nobody in the classroom got to loud, the teacher was calm. Everything was perfect today, and that’s how it should be every single day.


 We finished our test. It was another boring day as well. We had to write a five paragraph essay on the documents we read. Everybody was very quite and so in-tuned with their work. It took a tad bit to long to do because it was a log essay. I didn’t get to finish but I felt like I was doing a good job. Other than the essay being to long, today was good.


 Today we took a benchmark. I’m not going to lie, it was boring as I don’t know what. I almost fell asleep like three times. Other than that it was a chill day. The test, it was easy all we had to do on it was read two stories and answer questions on them. We also had to write a short response on the stories. That took way to long to finish. Other than the test being a little bit to long, it was a chill day.


 Today’s class was good today. The teacher taught me the proper way to write an argument. We will be writing an essay tomorrow about a topic of our choice. We chose multiple claims today talking about things that’s overrated. It was a fun discussion because we got to see what a lot of people think is overrated. There were a lot of different conversations to choose from. The teacher also taught us that after you wrote the claim, you have to back it up with the thesis statement. Overall we had a really good enthusiastic class period today.

