

 Today was great. My teacher wasn’t here today so we went to another teacher class. All we had to do was do any missing work. I didn’t have any missing work so I was just chilling. That’s why today was great. 


 Today was a good day in school. We didn’t really do anything too exciting. I was mad that spring break ended so quickly but I came to realization and accepted it. After school I had practice and had a great time. That’s why today was good. 


 Today school was good. I finally took the test that my teacher has been talking about for the longest. I feel like I actually did really good for my first official time. I had a great time at practice today. I honestly can’t wait til spring break, I need it so bad. 


 Today was a good day. I didn’t really do anything today. I took a test in my math class and I know I failed it. i didn’t understand anything that was on that test and it made me so mad. We also did some other things that will help us out on the test that I have to take tomorrow in my last period class. 


  This is what we did today. We did a simulation speed dating with prompts. 


 Today class was good. We had to take a test and the test was kind of easy. I made a decent grade on the test. I still wish I did better but I’m cool with what I got. It easy overall though and I liked it. 

